Bees are important to the environment as they help spread pollen which in turn helps fertilies, reproduce and stop inbreeding between plants. However, they can cause issues for people when too close to the home especially if somebody is allergic to bees as this can cause the person to have anaphylactic shock, which if not treated immediately can become deadly.

Typically, Bees become a larger concern when they start hiving leading into springtime. Scouts will often swarm small gaps in your property and may even enter your home. Once a scout has found a good position, she may attract the hive to move the queen in. 

In all situations, Mitchell will try to ensure the safety of the Hive and have them removed where possible. However, in situations where removing a hive is not possible, he will treat it.

Organise a Bee Service today!

Facts about Bees!

-worker bees are female only.

-Male bees have bigger eyes than females so they can easily find the queen.

-There are over 1,600 bee species in Australia, and only 11 of them are stingless.