
Fleas are a type of wingless pest that feed off the blood of common pets, like cats and dogs, as well as their owners. Unfortunately, the large number of hosts may lead to the transference of diseases and parasites, such as tapeworm larvae. Flea bites are incredibly itchy and commonly red, swollen bumps develop within half an hour of the bite. Some people may be hypersensitive to flea bites. 

Some helpful remedies when dealing with a flea infestation are cleaning animal bedding and vacuuming carpets. After this, a Pest Control Professional is vital to remove your infestation. Please contact us to book a treatment.

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Facts about Fleas!

  • Fleas can jump 30 thousand times in a row.

  • Fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in one day.

  • There are more than 2500 species of fleas.